Howdy Folks!
(is that a Dad line or what?)
Things come and go, like people and time and stress, and we are still missionaries here in Antwerpen. My favorite happening this week was probably the Mormon Arts Festival here at our church building. Mormon musicians and artists from all over Belgium and the Netherlands came to present their work and perform at a free event for everyone in the area. There was so much talent! I was incredibly impressed. Mormons are the coolest.
Zr. Faa had her bike stolen. That was sad. My bike was still sitting next to it, with her lock chain around it. Ha go figure. We will be taking many trams for a little while.
Ann, our dearest of dear investigators (and only..), continues to be wonderful. She is an incredible example of someone who takes the initiative to immerse herself in the gospel, and acts instead of being acted upon. We had dinner at the Schiltz yesterday with her, and for our spiritual thought, everyone wrote thank you letters to Jesus while I played the piano in the background. It was powerful. (highly recommended, fellow missionaries)
Well, this week I've been a missionary for a whole year now. I can't believe that I've been waking up at 6:30 every day for an entire year. But the next 6 months, rather than my "molding" period, I think will be more "refining" - I will be solidifying the person that I want to be when I go home. I have so many goals! As they say here in Dutch, "it comes good."
I send much love and pleasant thoughts to you all. I hope wherever you are at is treating you well. Have a good week and tot ziens!
Sister Johanson Sr.
Turnhout (another city)
Ordering fancy-style at McDonalds :)
Zr. Faa and Steffi and I
Darling cafe! I could be a cafe goer, and live in a big city, I think
Beautiful beautiful Antwerpen <3
More of Sister Faa's birthday
At Family Sariki's
Sister Young and Faa with sandwiches at our fave sandwich shop
Our favorite chocolate bar :) Oo sweet temptation
Sister Faa's birthday! :D