Howdy Folks!
Guess what. Next week is Christmas! Every 25 of the month since July, I have sang a Christmas song to celebrate the anniversary of the upcoming holidays. Yay!
Transfers happen again. Sister Cowles is going to Dordrecht with my good ol greenie, and I am getting my MTC comp, Sister Manning. Weird times. I have actually worked with her a lot this last transfer because she was the sister training leader's comp. Funny. But, luckily, I love her and know her so we can have a happy Christmas party.
This week we had zone conference in Antwerpen and we talked about the new Christmas campaign. I love that new video. I hope you all get the chance to share that with someone. It's easy breezy and makes everyone feel happy.
Freaky moment of the week: We lost our phone in President's car..awkward. It is scary to live in a world without a phone for the day! Ah funny times. No worries, it all worked out.
We had some awesome appointments with some great people this week, and we have some new investigating friends on the way. We did get stood up for church, and another person returned a BOM, so it's not all fun and games, but the other people are doing pretty well, so it all comes good. We don't quite have anyone progressing quickly towards baptism right now, but miracles are always on the way, so we are on the lookout for those.
Have a happy week! Drink lots of hot choclit. I will drink some warm herbal tea, cuz that's what Dutch people do.
Love from the Neverlands,
Sister Jo
Tilburgy things
darling helmets! isn't mine cute?
And mom, you wanted pictures of my world, this is my world: windmills and muslims. everywhere
Bosche bollen, super yummy
Normal bike paths
So, uh, I cut her hair....desperate missionaries :) But my lifelong dream is at last fulfilled!
Sister Fredrickson is leaving :( Love that girl