Welcome to the second to last weekly email of Sister Johanson the very old!
Don't worry, I didn't skip a couple of weeks, plans have just changed a little, but God's plan hasn't. He knew what was up all along. :)
My lovely greenie Sister Maughan came to us this week. She has been slowly recovering from pneumonia, so physically she's got it rough, but emotionally she is incredible. She's a fun girl to be around, with lots of missionary fire and I'm grateful to have her here. We practice teaching lessons in Dutch to the chairs in the living room and constantly talk about missionary work, when she's not briefing me on how to be a normal person back in America. :) I'm really grateful for this last opportunity to help a fellow missionary and help set her up to have a successful mission, although I feel like she's doing more for me than I am for her.
It's been a rougher week here in Deventer, but there are still missionary experiences aplenty. Every time we go outside, there's someone cool to talk to. :) God is certainly mindful of us. I was able to feel His love a lot this week as I communed with Him to see what His plan is for me. I'm so grateful that He has let me be on a mission and see so many miracles and meet so many wonderful people. I am so grateful for the faithful and steadfast support group that He's given me and I won't be able to thank all of you enough for what you have done for me, and continue to do for me. I hope that in this last week and a half of wearing a nametag that I can give my all and still cram in a couple of conversion moments every day. ;) Name tags come off, but missionary work never ends.
I love you all a lot, I appreciate you more than you know, and I continue to pray for you.
Sister Johanson the 1st
Alma 29:9