Heya Pals!
Whoa, amazing week! Exciting things coming your way.
We had temple conference this week! Aw man, it was so great to go to the temple. I miss the temple. As many amazing spiritual experiences we have, there's just nothing quite like going to the temple. It's still powerful, even in Dutch. :) And seeing all the missionaries in white, and realizing that the next biggest step of our lives will be something that affects our eternity and will take place in a building just like that...it's beautiful and unimagineable.
Transfers are this week. Sister Jones is going up to the Netherlands, and I get to stay in Lokeren, with ward Sint-Niklaas. Oh my goodness, I am so grateful I've got to and get to serve here. This is the golden part of the mission. And Jo Jo Team is breaking up! :( Coming to Belgium and being companions with Sister Jones is the best thing that could've happened to me right now. I've loved it. I just want to serve here for the rest of my mission.
We had 2 new investigators come to church yesterday!! I'd seen some of the "older" investigators come to church here, but I'm 1/3 done with my mission and I hadn't seen anyone come to church for the first time. I was worried they wouldn't come. When the meeting started, they weren't there, but I kept checking back to see if they'd come late. When the sacrament began, I just exercised all my fasting powers and prayed that they would please please come to church today. And then I looked back, and saw them standing at the door. After the sacrament, I went and brought them in. The entire ward saw, and just jumped on board. That was one of the most amazing testimony meetings I have ever attended. The ward here is so missionary-minded, and it's amazing how much the work is going here. I've built some better relationships in one transfer here than I did in 3 in my last area. And I've never felt like this before, but I just love these people so much that I want to serve them and do anything that I can to help them and to bring new members into their ward. I sound like such a cheesy sister missionary, but if you all came here, you would understand!
Also, I saw the tulips this week when we went to Nederland. :) Now I am a real Dutch missionary.
I am very full of love, for this mission but for you all back home. Thanks for your beautiful testimonies. :) The world needs them.
Sister Johanson
Sister Jones and I and our pal Anna at the castle
View of Gent from the castle
Sitting in a castle tower
Sister Jones and I on the castle top
Us with the Gent sisters, Fleming and Begazzo
A harp picture for Nanah (it was in the castle and reminded me of her)
Castle itself
Castle courtyard