Goede dag!
We made it to November, friends. Congrats. I hope Halloween was a bucket of laughs and treats for ya. Halloween is becoming more of a thing here, kinda funny. Our ward did have an activity, but our cute little old mission leader had us over for dinner instead (he and his wife don't believe in Halloween). Funny times.
Cool experience: We went to go look up a less active with some spare time we had, and she was actually home this time. Not only that, she let us come in and was thrilled to see us. We were the first sisters ever at her house. 😊 We quickly became good friends and she brought her cute little family to church the next day. Yay friends 😄
Sister Young came on exchanges with me and we met the coolest American mom and thought she was Dutch! She was happy to meet us too, and is going to becoming friends with us after fall vacation. I love Americans.
I also went on exchanges to Gent with Zr. Robbins and it was cool to see how much the work is progressing in our other areas. They work a lot with young adults, and let me tell you, the young adults over here are incredible. They are strong and valiant and super fun for missionaries. They are an example for me.
Sister Faa and I are doing well, just enjoying the freakiness of the transfer together. We are better pals than ever and are just hanging in there and trying to get the work done. We so appreciate your prayers in our behalf! What saints you all are. You are in my prayers, too.
Happy birfday Samyo!
Have a beautiful warm week!
Much love,
Sister Jo the elder