Did you know that half of Belgium speaks Dutch (Flams) and the other half speaks French? If we go down to that half, no one understands us.
Missionary work has taken a turn here in Antwerpen. It doesn't involve doors or street contacting or finding members for joint teach. But we have four progressing investigators, and they all wear a name badge. We have united with another set of sisters in order to "save one of our own," and I feel so privileged to be a part of this scene in Heavenly Father's perfect plot. I am learning about patience and love and kindness and endless other valuable relationship skills. I have never felt like I was being so prepared to become a wife and mother, and what a blessing to receive those lessons while in the mission field. Thanks so much for your prayers, they are truly sustaining us right now.
We did have cool experiences with dear little Ann this week. We had a spectacular dinner appointment where we talked about noticing God's hand in your life and then a dinner appointment at Ann's house with her visiting sister who unexpectedly wanted to know about the plan of salvation. The gospel is powerful. My favorite part was when Ann bore testimony to her sister, saying that she had found hope in the gospel. This really does change lives, people.
This week is Halloween! And my old man's happy birthday! Happy Birthday, young buck! :D Eat lots of treats and enjoy your week. God still blesses us, even on creepy holidays. :)
Love ya!
Sista Jo