Thursday, May 7, 2015

May the 4th be with you

Goede Morgen!

Welp. Nother so-so week here in Belgium. You know how missions are hard? Ya, apparently that is true. This week was just frustrating with dropping people and people dropping us and not getting any appointments and getting lost while biking and just lots of stress. And my testimony really just got tested this week. I feel like I've been constantly bombarded with people telling me that I'm wrong, that it's dangerous to have so much faith in something, that I should be looking for the truth. I don't need to look for the truth; I've already done that! That is why I left my family and personal life behind to come to this country and try to talk about the gospel in Dutch for a year and a half. THIS IS THE TRUE CHURCH. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS AND THE BOOK OF MORMON ARE OF GOD AND THEY ARE TRUE.

Ok, on a side note, we did see some good little miracles, because those always always come, even when people are trying to tear your testimony to shreds. This ward never ceases to amaze me. Their testimonies are bright, and they love missionary work. Sister Hanny and I did talk to some cool people, and that always just makes you feel better.
 Also, I realized this week that God is taking care of me. Sometimes, missionaries get lonely. You realize -usually after the big adjustment phase your first 4 transfers- that you are, wow, alone in a foreign country. It's like the little kid in Disneyland who reaches for someone's hand and then looks up and realizes it's not their mom. And you just get sad. So you learn that you have to talk to God, and that since you have given up some small things for Him, He has to help you through this. If you don't talk to Him, you just stay lonely and it gets hard. But if you ask Him to show you His love for you, then He does. And it gets better. :)

Hopefully I can give some better info in my emails soon. I love you and wish you a happy May and lovely Mothers Day. :)


Sister Johanson