Monday, August 17, 2015

It's a Party in Assen!

Hey Pals!

We had a party in Assen this week! Unfortunately, it was BYOB- Bring Your Own Bacteria- so only two people came: Sister Harris and I. The party lasted an entire week, with much sleeping, no eating, many talks on CD, and all the Church movies (Haha Together Forever is my new favorite. I think because the old songs remind me of home and my dad. :) And as cheesy as it is, it really does help you realize just a little more how blessed we are with our families in the gospel!) Luckily, by the very end of the week, we were back outside and grabbed a couple miracles, like a new investigator.

But, they've done it again. They are taking me and my sad little heart out of a city that I've only known and loved for two transfers. Sister Harris and I are both leaving Assen and elders are coming in!! But call me the Belgian Babe, cuz guess who's going back! Ya! I'm going to Antwerpen, the big city in Belgium. :) Sister Jo gets a big city! Woo hoo she graduated! So now that we are back on our feet again, we are going crazy with packing and cleaning. Those elders better take good care of this city and love it with all their hearts (I have no doubt that they will; missionaries tend to do that). Goodbye Assen :(

Much news, yet so little to say. I love you. :)

Much love,

Sister Johanson

Sister Harris and I made a bouqet... :) long story
I made a smore! With the graham crackers the Loorbachs brought me from America
Our indoor movie theater...
I made a planner while we were sick
Us with the darling children we help watch :)